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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: OT - Quick, hide your children from reality!
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136235, RE: OT - Quick, hide your children from reality!
Posted by Randellx5, Tue Sep-10-02 06:18 AM
Hal... I'm rather curious as to why you spend time for such endevors on a computer forum, surely there are forums where the rhetoric would fit right in. Here, every OT discussion is some reason to philosophize endlessly, with slightly veiled references to a lack of intelligence or knowledge for anyone who disagrees with you.

Where does the idea originate that anyone who might recommend anything in an attempt to improve something, or possibly address an injustice of some sort, or even voice an opinion in a public forum (a right of the First Lady, I would think), suddenly inherits a mantle of responsibility for all the world's ills? 'If one can't fix everything, why bother and try to fix anything'.

In the first place, if anyone bothers to actually read what Laura Bush said, in anything similar to an unbiased manner, she has a strong point.... and one that's been made by many, many other folks. Primarily, that this sort of thing can be overdone with children... and it can. Absolutely no one has to agree with her, but she damned well has the right to say it. If you do some checking, you will find that MOST folks, who actually have children at home, tend to agree in large part with her.... and it is simply an opinion and recommendation from the First Lady of the United States. She has that right, and most folks realize it's NOT a mandate from the government, and that ultimately parents should, and will, make the actual decision.

I, for one, believe she is sincere in her interest for children, politics be damned. Are we in the United States become so cynical that every word we hear is judged to be of ulterior motive and worthy to be negatively critiqued? Phooey......
