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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectDoesn't make much sense...
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155365, Doesn't make much sense...
Posted by 1charlie55, Wed Oct-23-02 10:30 PM
Good day to all.
I hope that someone can help with this, because it raises more questions than I have answers for. The problem is that lately, my
computer is slowing down in places and not in others ...i.e. I can go to a site that has both a lot of Text and animation. but when I get there the ol' computer will load the text and back ground quickly enough, but the pictures and cartoons ...what ever might be there,... will take almost two minutes to load. Once that happens, I cannot leave the site or change pages, click on a Hyperlink because it will lock up the computer. its like I have to wait for the page to fully load and wait a minute or so then I can go wherever I please without difficulty. if I manage to go to another site that has text and animation, it starts the whole thing all over again. I have run scan disk, defragged till I'm blue in the face, run disk doctor, win doctor, speed disk,checked it out with ad-aware and just about everything else that I can think of.It all checks out fine according to the info I get from all of that. I was going through my system tray closing all of the Items that I have in there ( 7 of them ) to do a defrag and I noticed something that I never seen before. Its called Rnaapp. I have no Idea what it is and I cannot get it to go away. My machine is a Compaq desk Pro EN series 6300/3.2 and my OS is windows 89 SE. I have I.E. 6 and Directx8 on this machine if that helps any. Can anyone out there help. Thank you for everything.