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Topic subjectRE: Symantec quietly hikes Norton renewal prices
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384186, RE: Symantec quietly hikes Norton renewal prices
Posted by Grogan, Sat Oct-15-05 01:12 AM
Not everyone considers it so "Trusted" anymore. No offense, friends, but not a week goes by that I don't get a service call related to Norton software. It feels like bloodied, dirty money. Yes it's bloated, fragile, ineffective (the problem is not so much file infectors these days... malware is completely different in nature), and messy. Just ridiculous. People thank me for removing it.

It sure is a good thing that Symantec has put out newer removal utilities, because a botched install/uninstall of Norton software can be crippling.

There's a battery of them now. Up until fairly recently, there was nothing for Norton products newer than the 2003 suites. Following this regimen, it it satisfactory without manual hunting and poking to purge a PC of all broken Norton stuff, new and old. It probably doesn't remove all traces, but close enough to be harmless.

To be fair, I have to say that I've realized that there is a common piece of security software that I despise even more than Norton Internet Security, which is far worse than a standalone NAV. Freedom Firewall/Antivirus/Antispyware (Zero Knowlege). Bell Sympatico really pushes that and bundles it with their Internet service packages along with other shit software that annoys. (If people call me to set up their Internet from the start, they don't get any of that crap) It gets broken, interferes with people's usage, causes problems in the explorer shell and I have yet to ever see it uninstall correctly. Manual removal isn't easy.