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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Not sure if I'm happy with NewEgg
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508264, RE: Not sure if I'm happy with NewEgg
Posted by jasonlevine, Thu Aug-13-09 06:11 PM
I just called NewEgg again after my complaint e-mail went unanswered for nearly a week. I spoke with Latoya and she, while nice, seemed at first to be "passing the buck." She told me that the descriptions come from the manufacturer and they're responsible for any errors. I pointed out that the error was on their site and Epson told me directly that the software doesn't come with that scanner.

After putting me on hold for a bit, she came back and said that she's going to investigate why it said it comes with the SilverFast software when it didn't and will see if she can get a full $49 credit authorized for me. She promised to get back to me by the end of the day today or beginning of the day tomorrow.

I'm feeling cautiously optimistic now. Here's hoping that NewEgg doesn't disappoint. (I'm running out of hard drive space and might need to buy a new external hard drive soon. I'd love to be able to buy it from NewEgg.)