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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: AVIRA search toolbar
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534307, RE: AVIRA search toolbar
Posted by Chickenman, Thu Jun-30-11 02:29 AM
Seemed to have found another little work around on my own computer

I updated Avira to SP2, installed Webgaurd and Ask Toolbar then I uninstalled it totally. Rebooted and installed an earlier version of Avira 10 ( before the newest update ).

Then I did a full manual update ( Definitions and engine ). Here is the interesting part. When I did the uninstall, some registry entire must have gotten left behind because WebGuard is flagged as being installed in the registry. This seems to have effectively blocked any further requests to install WebGuard or the Ask Toolbar.

The joy is..WebGuard is NOT really installed. No Options show in the Avira Main Control Panel for configuring WebGuard. I also confirmed this by going into Administrative Tools/Services and the MSC service for Webguard is not listed. It was previously, when WebGuard and the Ask Toolbar were installed.

Here is my Avira version screenshot. Note the Webguard version

I will have to check an older computer, to see if that file was loaded previous to this latest update.