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Topic subjectRE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
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541761, RE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
Posted by jmc, Mon Apr-09-12 10:46 PM
Could you provide the Dell Service Tag number. It gives more accurate
info about your PC. When I google or search Dell for Dell XPS M1730 it brings up Laptops.

You talk about a Video Card so it must be a desktop. You said you
reseated the Card and made sure it was in the slot all the way.
Does this Card have a Fan on it. Did you make sure the fan is running?
I have lost a few Video Cards due to the fan craping out.

Have you swaped out a monitor other than your TV using HDMI?

Is the HDMI built into the Video Card or on your Motherboard?

If the HDMI is in the Motherboard the Video Card could be bad

If the HDMI is in the Video Card then it points to a bad Monitor.

It's either a bad Video Card or your Monitor is bad.
Most of what your saying points to a bad monitor, video is working on
TV if it comes from the HDMI on the Video Card.