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Topic subjectRE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
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541763, RE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
Posted by icashootnstar, Tue Apr-10-12 12:18 AM
I have started in safe mode and deleted the driver. Then downloaded and installed it again from the NVIDIA site as directed by Windows 7. The Dell Service tag is CL2WRH1. It’s an XPS M1730 I bought on 12/1/08, so it’s only about 3 years old.

There are two fans on the NVIDIA GeForce 8700M graphics card and they both seem to be turning just fine. I’m running SpeedFan and the temperature does get up to about 72. But, from what I’ve read, that is normal. (It looks like the HDMI is on the video card.)

Unfortunately, I don’t have another computer that I can switch it out with to test, nor do I have any other monitors.