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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
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541816, RE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
Posted by MSU, Thu Apr-12-12 08:26 PM
QUOTE:What's your take on the new vs. refab situation?

My guess is that it was just taken out of a non-working laptop. I doubt they actually repaired anything on it.

edit: Here's how that site defines "refurbished".
Refurbished(also known as reconditioned) and recertified by DELL - Sometimes these items are indistinguishable from new, sometimes not.
New product which has not passed inspection because of a minor cosmetic-only flaw. May or may not be noticeable. NO structural or performance defects. Always in excellent condition.