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Topic subjectRE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
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542020, RE: Video Works When HDMI Plugged In- Otherwise Sporadic
Posted by jmc, Fri Apr-20-12 08:17 AM
I didn't think you would be spending $1200. For that kind of money
you can buy any brand with great specs.
Toshiba at this time is the most popular laptops I work on. almost
50% of them are Toshiba.
I like all the specs your posting. I just think you can get more for
overy a thousand.
I have not worked on many High End Toshibas most are the cheaper

I think you should do a but more shopping around before buying anything.
I would not judge all dells because of what happened.
That can happen with any of them.

The lenovo laptops I have worked oh are fantastic. That would be my
favorite brand if you can spend that kind of money.
I would also look for one that at least has a blu-Ray reader/dvd burner
combo. A blu-Ray laptop has better Video to view blu Movies and files.
I would also like to see DVI, VGA and HDMI with USB 3.0.
I run into very few bad Dells. The high end dells seem really good.

That Toshiba looks great and has good specs. It does have everything
I would like to see.
If you get that one it should be great.

Hp sucks, Acer is ok but not great. Dells are usually pretty good
Toshibas can be good with the right stuff.
I like some of the Asus but thay can have many little annoyances.
Toshiba does seem to be the popular brand at this time.
Sony is also pretty good they generally have more durable construction.