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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectetower pc restarts at shutdown
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1676, etower pc restarts at shutdown
Posted by guest, Sun Dec-16-01 08:07 AM
My friend's PC, a Etower 366MHz always restarts when he goes to shutdown. I think it has to do with the power supply or the motherboard. Not sure though. The exact procedure is as follows when he clicks on shutdown: the screen saying win98 is shutting down... , then the one "it is now safe to..." and then instead of staying there, it beeps twice fast and reboots. Why does it do that and how can I/he fix it? Thanks.

1677, RE: etower pc restarts at shutdown
Posted by PsychoLogical, Sun Dec-16-01 08:26 AM
How to Troubleshoot Shutdown Problems

Windows Shutdown Articles