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Topic subjectRE: For those who oppose the war in Iraq
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22448, RE: For those who oppose the war in Iraq
Posted by scaramouche, Sun Mar-02-03 12:34 AM
>I don't really give a shit what you think. I've got both of
>your narrow minded ass's pegged. I've taken more unprovoked
>shit in here than you and him put together ten times over
>and most of the time I've done it with humor.

You have your views Hal but you should also learn to respect another viewpoint, instead of resorting to namecalling. This is the first post that I've resorted to personally attacking you for the "self righteous, pompous, I'm-always-right, ignoramous that you are.
I don't loose
>my temper in here often and even with all the names Al's
>called me, I've lost my temper with him once. At least
>Al--even in his convoluted way--always addresses the issues
>half intelligently.

I used to think consider you a kind of sideshow here, a sort of bearded lady in a circus. Harmless entertainment, but I've realised, that, unlike others, who have a different point of view and express it, you are one mean, vicious SOB.

>You're just a know-it-all gun totter with just enough 2nd
>Amendment knowledge to make you dangerous. You haven't got
>the faintest idea what it means to "Live Free or Die."
>You're a fraud.


What's a gun totter?

I'm not a great supporter of the US foreign Policy and neither am I a great fan of GWB, but I'm also looking at the alternative out there in the real world. When I see countries like Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea, to name a few, the US with all its warts becomes very appealing.

Your problem, Hal, is you only look at one side of the argument, your side.

Actually I would encourage you to travel to some of those countries. It might give you a different viewpoint.