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Topic subjectRE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
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98932, RE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
Posted by fvee, Wed Nov-09-05 04:55 PM
>I can only think of one Christian who never lied.

I do not know of any Christian who never lied. I do not think that Jesus was a Christian, since Christianity had not been invented by man (as yet).

What I am objecting to is the criticism of others by the (UN)Christian (NEVER)Right Political Movement for their alleged sins, while respecting and applauding BuSh for his sins.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, Ralph Reed, a leader of the (UN)Christian (NEVER)Right Political Movement was on a political talk show and he guaranteed the show's host that BuSh would win. When asked why, he informed the host that the members of the (UN)Christian (NEVER)Right Political Movement had been told to disregard what BuSh says during the campaign, because he is saying those things to attract the independents, moderate Democrats, and other people near the middle of the political spectrum who's votes he needs in order to win the presidency. "Don't worry, no matter what BuSh says in the campaign, he will do the things that we want."

A true Christian would not tolerate lying to gain advantage, but the (UN)Christian (NEVER)Right Political Movement was more than happy to embrace these lies. As Hitler said: "The ends justify the means".

I'm FreddieVee-Learning all the Time!!