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Topic subjectRE: YOU WORRY ME
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134320, RE: YOU WORRY ME
Posted by Ethan, Fri Jul-13-07 07:03 AM
I have to come in on this one. To compare organized armies of terrorists with common criminals is not right! I know there have been some individuals like the Unabomber and the Oklahoma City bombers, but to compare common criminals with organized, trained terrorists is not right.
You are right that in the Bible God ordered annihilation of entire peoples, man, women, and children. During the Crusades and Inquisition, Christians did horrible things in the name of the church. More recently organized religion sits by as entire populations are murdered as in Africa or forced to move as are the Christians in Lebanon and Bethlehem. I could easily go on and on.

At this time we are facing an organized attempt from the Islamic world to wreak mayhem in the West and even in Africa. The recent statements by the Muslim Council of Britain are a step in the right direction.
Reality though is that organized armies of Muslims have been attacking our cities, our civilians.
It doesn't help to have lunatics like W and Dick in the White House.
The PROFILE of the Organized bombers is Muslims, mainly Asian young men, Muslims that have been recruited in their places of worship and trained around the world.
I’m sure most Muslims are good neighbors; I know that in my neighborhood, I have nothing to fear from the families that are living here. On the other hand a Moslem came into my neighborhood a few months ago and Martyred himself with a bomb killing 3 people working in my bakery.

The terrorists have succeeded in the US, besides killing thousands, they have allowed Bush to infringe on the rights that American find so important and have in the past fought for. They have given Bush “reason” to invade the heart of the Muslim world making it easier for them to show other Muslims the Western Devil.
In the end though, I still have to profile to protect myself. I have to ask the young Arab getting on an airplane a few probing questions that I don’t have to ask your grandmother. Even with the profiling, people that walk and talk like me and you may slip through, like the attempted shoe bomber, but others may be caught or dis-couraged from their crimes. Profiling though should be left to professionals that know how to do it in a dignified manner.

More organized Moslems need to be brave and state and show their allegiance for the countries they choose to live in. They are aware though that they are putting their heads on the chopping block of those that will accuse them of being quislings and some will be murdered for that by their co-religionists.

Life is not simple

Ethan :-(