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Topic subjectWould You Be Allowed To Immigrate To The US?
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217991, Would You Be Allowed To Immigrate To The US?
Posted by jasonlevine, Tue Aug-08-17 02:49 AM
A recent Time article included a sample quiz for people to take to see if they would be allowed to immigrate.

With my age (42), education (Bachelor's degree), English ability (fluent), salary, and inability to invest more than a million dollars, I scored 22. I would need a 30 to be allowed to immigrate so I'd be denied.

For giggles, I scored Trump himself. He's 70, has a bachelor's degree, is fluent in English (I granted him this despite his word salad responses :lol: ), has a salary of over $155K, and can invest over $1.8 million. He gets a 43, so he's allowed in. However, his money gave him 25 points. Without that, he's only an 18.

The system definitely scores money over anything else. If I were a 40 year old, high school dropout, with poor English ability, but a high paying job offer (perhaps because of a rich parent), and the ability to invest $2 million in a new enterprise, then I'd get in over a 30 year old with a bachelor's degree, fluent in English, with a $75K job.